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Westfield Fasteners Product Specification:

Cup Hooks with Wood Thread

This product guide contains the specification for Cup Hooks with a wood thread, a series of standard parts available from Westfield Fasteners.

Product Description
These Cup hooks, also known as M hooks, are made from A2 or 304 stainless steel and are useful for a multitude of jobs, both inside and outdoors. With their sharp point and woodscrew end, the cup hooks can be turned straight into wood and can also be used in masonry and concrete when employed with a wall plug. When used with hard woods, a pilot hole will help the cup hook get a grip into the wood. This pilot hole can be made with a bradawl or a small drill bit.

Cup hooks are available in a number of sizes: The data in Figure 1 and Table 1 below outline the overall dimensions for each variant.

technical drawing of Cup Hooks with Wood Thread

Figure 1: Cup Hook with Wood Thread

Table 1: Cup Hook Dimensions (mm)

diameter (d)lengthapprox. thread length (T)eye width (W)