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M6 Rivet Nut Knurled with Flat Head, Open Type in A2 Stainless Steel

Blind rivet nuts with a flat head, a straight knurled shank and an open end. Rivet nuts are also known as blind nuts, rivnuts and nutserts. For use with sheet metals and thin gauge metal parts, such as panels, castings and tubes. Rivet nuts are installed using a rivet nut gun, which compresses the thinner walled part, making it push out to form a collar. The knurling/serrations is there to grip the rivet nut and stop is spinning. Rivet nuts, like rivets are installed from one side, which is useful when there is no back access. An open ended rivet nut allows for a longer screw to pass through the nut, making it more vibration resistant. The tightening torque specifications are guide values depending on the material of the original component and must be checked by testing the component.
Rivet Nut Knurled with Flat Head, Open Type in A2 image
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