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M14 Index Through Bolts MTA Type in Bright Zinc Plated (BZP) Steel

The Index MTA through bolt has a zinc plated shaft and clip. A flexible usage fixing suitable for use in concrete, reinforced concrete and stone.
Index Through Bolts MTA Type in BZP image
< View All Sizes
Description Sale Qtys Qty Price Breakdown Despatch Estimate
M14 x 80mm Through Bolt Index MTA in BZP Steel
WF61741 - 974 in stock
single bolt for £3.23
or box of 15 for £24.46
or bulk of 75 for £81.32
M14 x 100mm Through Bolt Index MTA in BZP Steel
WF61742 - 81 in stock
single bolt for £3.43
or box of 10 for £18.87
or bulk of 50 for £64.66
M14 x 120mm Through Bolt Index MTA in BZP Steel
WF61743 - 153 in stock
single bolt for £3.47
or box of 10 for £18.88
or bulk of 50 for £64.55
M14 x 145mm Through Bolt Index MTA in BZP Steel
WF61744 - 171 in stock
single bolt for £3.79
or box of 8 for £17.86
or bulk of 40 for £61.53
M14 x 170mm Through Bolt Index MTA in BZP Steel
WF61745 - 200 in stock
single bolt for £4.10
or box of 8 for £20.06
or bulk of 40 for £68.07
M14 x 220mm Through Bolt Index MTA in BZP Steel
WF61746 - 244 in stock
single bolt for £4.59
or box of 6 for £18.14
or bulk of 30 for £62.34
M14 x 250mm Through Bolt Index MTA in BZP Steel
WF61747 - 52 in stock
single bolt for £4.59
or box of 6 for £17.85
or bulk of 30 for £61.38
single bolt for £3.23
or box of 15 for £24.46
or bulk of 75 for £81.32
single bolt for £3.43
or box of 10 for £18.87
or bulk of 50 for £64.66
single bolt for £3.47
or box of 10 for £18.88
or bulk of 50 for £64.55
single bolt for £3.79
or box of 8 for £17.86
or bulk of 40 for £61.53
single bolt for £4.10
or box of 8 for £20.06
or bulk of 40 for £68.07
single bolt for £4.59
or box of 6 for £18.14
or bulk of 30 for £62.34
single bolt for £4.59
or box of 6 for £17.85
or bulk of 30 for £61.38
Prices are subject to quantity discounts based on a sliding scale. Enter the desired quantity in the relevant box in the table above. This will automatically calculate a line price indicating the applicable rate for the quantities selected. All prices shown exclude VAT.
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