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Home   /   Bolts and Machine Screws - Metric   /   M6 Slotted Pan Screw with Shoulder 8mm x 25mm in A1 Stainless - DIN 923

M6 Slotted Pan Screw with Shoulder 8mm x 25mm in A1 Stainless - DIN 923

Shoulder bolts with a slotted pan head. Also know as stripper bolts, this type of machine screw has a wider diameter shank than the diameter of the threaded part. This change in diameter creates a shoulder against which the bolt is tightened, making them ideal as shafts for rotating bushings and bearings. They are also used to align components in assemblies, as pivots, guides, pins, linkages and trunnion mountings. The main dimensions for shoulder bolts refer to the shoulder of the screw rather than the thread, with the length measured from under the head to the end of the shoulder. Shoulder screws also include an undercut between the thread and shoulder, to allow a close fit.
Shoulder Screws with Slotted Pan Head DIN 923 in A1 image
technical drawing of Shoulder Screws with Slotted Pan Head DIN 923
Technical Summary
d nominal diameter M6
p thread pitch 1
be thread section length 9.0
dk max. maximum head diameter 13.00
dk min. minimum head diameter 12.73
ds max. maximum shoulder diameter 8.000
ds min. minimum shoulder diameter 7.964
k nom. nominal head height 3.1
k max. maximum head height 3.25
k min. minimum head height 2.95
n slot thickness 1.6
r max. maximum radius 0.25
t max. maximum recess depth 1.90
t min. minimum recess depth 1.50
Chamfer, v chamfer size 0.80
Standard DIN 923
all dimensions in millimetres (mm)
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M6 Slotted Pan Screw with Shoulder 8mm x 25mm in A1 Stainless
M6 Slotted Pan Screw with Shoulder 8mm x 25mm in A1 Stainless   WF74561
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technical drawing of Shoulder Screws with Slotted Pan Head DIN 923
Technical Summary
d nominal diameter M6
p thread pitch 1
be thread section length 9.0
dk max. maximum head diameter 13.00
dk min. minimum head diameter 12.73
ds max. maximum shoulder diameter 8.000
ds min. minimum shoulder diameter 7.964
k nom. nominal head height 3.1
k max. maximum head height 3.25
k min. minimum head height 2.95
n slot thickness 1.6
r max. maximum radius 0.25
t max. maximum recess depth 1.90
t min. minimum recess depth 1.50
Chamfer, v chamfer size 0.80
Standard DIN 923
all dimensions in millimetres (mm)
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