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14.6mm Ezyclik Plastic Hose Clip in Black Nylon

Ezyclik Low Profile Hoseclip, manufactured in the UK by HCL. A plastic hoseclip for use on applications where space is limited. Easy to use and made from fully corrosion resistant materials. ROHS compliant and with an operating temperature range of -40 to +170 degrees centigrade. Uses include irrigation systems, automotive and white goods.
Ezyclik Hose Clips image
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Description Sale Qtys Qty Price Breakdown Despatch Estimate
14.6mm Ezyclik Plastic Hose Clip in Black Nylon
WF54223 - 988 in stock
sachet of 3 for £1.27
or box of 60 for £17.85
or bulk of 300 for £69.42
14.6mm Ezyclik Plastic Hose Clip in Black Nylon   WF54223 - 988 in stock
sachet of 3 for £1.27
or box of 60 for £17.85
or bulk of 300 for £69.42
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