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Home   /   Hose Clips, Jubilee Clips & Hose Clamps   /   83-105mm Hose Clip Heavy Duty 16mm band Tri-Torque in Stainless

83-105mm Hose Clip Heavy Duty 16mm band Tri-Torque in Stainless

Tri-Torque clamps have a 16mm wide band and wide profile housing that provides maximum engagement of screw threads to band. They are engineered to deliver exceptionally high rates of band tension to handle even the toughest sealing jobs, including wire-reinforced spiral-wound hose. Designed for high vibration and stubborn leakage applications e.g. industrial machinery, heavy truck, farm and off-road equipment engines.
Tri-Torque Hose Clips 16mm band image
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Description Sale Qtys Qty Price Breakdown Despatch Estimate
83-105mm Hose Clip Heavy Duty 16mm band Tri-Torque in Stainless
WF25896 - 100 in stock
single clip for £4.12
or box of 6 for £24.10
or bulk of 30 for £114.14
83-105mm Hose Clip Heavy Duty 16mm band Tri-Torque in Stainless   WF25896 - 100 in stock
single clip for £4.12
or box of 6 for £24.10
or bulk of 30 for £114.14
Prices are subject to quantity discounts based on a sliding scale. Enter the desired quantity in the relevant box in the table above. This will automatically calculate a line price indicating the applicable rate for the quantities selected. All prices shown exclude VAT.
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