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Home   /   Hose Clips, Jubilee Clips & Hose Clamps   /   Oetiker PG167 Clamp 7mm Band 52.8-56.0mm Dia in St/St 16700063

Oetiker PG167 Clamp 7mm Band 52.8-56.0mm Dia in St/St 16700063

PG167 - Manufactured by Oetiker, these 360 degree StepLess® single ear clamps are lightweight and designed to concentrate the clamping force whilst being able to compensate for any changes in diameter due to thermal expansion. Made from 304 Stainless Steel they also feature rounded burr-free edges to prevent damage to host materials. Oetiker are an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). Other sizes available on request.
Oetiker Stepless Ear Clamps PG167, 7mm Band image
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Description Sale Qtys Qty Price Breakdown Despatch Estimate
Oetiker PG167 Clamp 7mm Band 52.8-56.0mm Dia in St/St 16700063
WF62377 - 59 in stock
single clamp for £1.58
or box of 15 for £22.56
or bulk of 75 for £107.95
Oetiker PG167 Clamp 7mm Band 52.8-56.0mm Dia in St/St 16700063   WF62377 - 59 in stock
single clamp for £1.58
or box of 15 for £22.56
or bulk of 75 for £107.95
Prices are subject to quantity discounts based on a sliding scale. Enter the desired quantity in the relevant box in the table above. This will automatically calculate a line price indicating the applicable rate for the quantities selected. All prices shown exclude VAT.
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