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P Clip Unlined 9.5mm diameter in Brass

High quality classic solid brass P clips for general use. P clips, also known as P clamps, are made from a single band of brass and are used for fixing cables, hoses and pipes. The brass P clips are used where there is a chance of the cables chafing and then causing damage to components i.e. with electrical equipment, vehicles and domestic appliances. The fixing holes are 5.2mm in diameter, except for the 2 and 3mm sizes, where they are 4.5mm. Made in the UK.
P Clips in Solid Brass image
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Description Sale Qtys Qty Price Breakdown Despatch Estimate
P Clip Unlined 9.5mm diameter in Brass
WF61336 - 97 in stock
single clip for £2.28
or box of 15 for £20.53
or bulk of 75 for £74.77
P Clip Unlined 9.5mm diameter in Brass   WF61336 - 97 in stock
single clip for £2.28
or box of 15 for £20.53
or bulk of 75 for £74.77
Prices are subject to quantity discounts based on a sliding scale. Enter the desired quantity in the relevant box in the table above. This will automatically calculate a line price indicating the applicable rate for the quantities selected. All prices shown exclude VAT.
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