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Parallel Pin (Dowel Pin) 10 x 12mm in A1 Stainless Steel - DIN 7

Our stock of Dowel Pins are short cylindrical sections of metal cut from a Dowel Bar. For use in aligning machinery parts correctly and often as reference points for mechanical engineers to ensure repeatable and accurate assemblies.
Dowel Pin (DIN 7) in A1 image
technical drawing of Dowel Pin (DIN 7)
Technical Summary
d nominal diameter 10
C dimension 1.50
r radius 10.0
Standard DIN 7
Material A1 Stainless Steel
all dimensions in millimetres (mm)
Description Sale Qtys Qty Price Breakdown Despatch Estimate
Parallel Pin (Dowel Pin) 10 x 12mm in A1 Stainless Steel
Parallel Pin (Dowel Pin) 10 x 12mm in A1 Stainless Steel   (WF49295)
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technical drawing of Dowel Pin (DIN 7)
Technical Summary
d nominal diameter 10
C dimension 1.50
r radius 10.0
Standard DIN 7
Material A1 Stainless Steel
all dimensions in millimetres (mm)