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Home   /   Thread Forming Screws & Thread Rolling Screws   /   3mm x 6mm Phillips Pan Thread Forming Screw for Plastics in BZP

3mm x 6mm Phillips Pan Thread Forming Screw for Plastics in BZP

Phillips Pan thread forming screws for thermo plastics. These thread forming screws have a 30 degree thread angle (flank angle) and an 8 degree thread pitch to optimise performance in all types of thermoplastics and some thermosets. Correctly used these screws will minimise the stress to the plastic and give optimal thread engagement and clamping loads. Please see the data sheet for the recommended pilot pre-drilled or moulded holes required for different plastics.
Phillips Pan Thread Forming Screws for Plastics, 30 Degree Thread in BZP image
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Description Sale Qtys Qty Price Breakdown Despatch Estimate
3mm x 6mm Phillips Pan Thread Forming Screw for Plastics in BZP
WF68761 - expected in 11 to 17 days
sachet of 10 for £1.28
or box of 600 for £17.58
or bulk of 3000 for £58.80
3mm x 6mm Phillips Pan Thread Forming Screw for Plastics in BZP   WF68761 - expected in 11 to 17 days
sachet of 10 for £1.28
or box of 600 for £17.58
or bulk of 3000 for £58.80
Prices are subject to quantity discounts based on a sliding scale. Enter the desired quantity in the relevant box in the table above. This will automatically calculate a line price indicating the applicable rate for the quantities selected. All prices shown exclude VAT.
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