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Home   /   UNC Bolts, Nuts and Washers   /   Threaded Bar UNC 5/16 x 36 inch in A4 Stainless - ASTM F593

Threaded Bar UNC 5/16 x 36 inch in A4 Stainless - ASTM F593

Flexible usage threaded bar or threaded rod to ASME B18.31.3.
Image of UNC Threaded Rod ASME B18.31.3 in A4 image
technical drawing of UNC Threaded Rod ASME B18.31.3
Technical Summary
d nominal diameter 5/16
tpi threads per inch 18
Standard ASTM F593
all dimensions in inches
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Threaded Bar UNC 5/16 x 36 inch in A4 Stainless
Threaded Bar UNC 5/16 x 36 inch in A4 Stainless   WF34260
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technical drawing of UNC Threaded Rod ASME B18.31.3
Technical Summary
d nominal diameter 5/16
tpi threads per inch 18
Standard ASTM F593
all dimensions in inches
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