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6mm Swivel Shackle 2 Forks in A4 Stainless

Swivel shackle with a fork/jaw on both ends (anchor swivel jaw jaw), are designed to prevent any twisting, knotting and snagging on a line or chain. Any twists in a rope or chain could start kinking that would reduce the effectiveness and cause damage. Swivel shackles with a jaw at each end allows them to be connected to a pre-existing system of ropes or chains. The jaws, have a shackle style opening, with a threaded pin, which allows the jaw to open. The shackle ends spin on a central pin which the nuts are welded to. These A4 marine grade stainless steel swivel shackles are strong and durable.
Swivel Shackle with Forks in A4 image
technical drawing of Swivel Shackle with Forks
Technical Summary
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all dimensions in millimetres (mm)
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6mm Swivel Shackle 2 Forks in A4 Stainless
6mm Swivel Shackle 2 Forks in A4 Stainless   WF77392
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technical drawing of Swivel Shackle with Forks
Technical Summary
dLengthBCBreaking Load(kg)Working Load(kg)
all dimensions in millimetres (mm)
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